“The Healthiest Way to Gain Weight”

Huffington post offers some advice on how to gain weight the healthy way.

While fewer than two percent of the American population is underweight, for those who try without success to put on pounds, the experience can be frustrating and, occasionally, of medical concern. Being underweight can be the result of an underlying condition: a hyperactive thyroid, a condition that causes “malabsorption” like Celiac disease or a bowel problem like crohn’s disease. So the first step in a weight gain journey should be a trip to the doctor’s office.

If deemed otherwise healthy — and with your doctor’s blessing — a number of strategies can help improve your odds of gaining weight in a safe, effective and long-term way. Just as with weight loss, there is definitely a healthful and an unhealthful way to do it. In many ways, bulking up is an exercise in restraint just as much as slimming down can be.

“If you’re trying to gain weight healthfully, don’t fall into the trap of chowing down on pints of ice cream, cheeseburgers and donuts,” Cynthia Sass, M.P.H. R.D. tells HuffPost Healthy Living. “The old phrase, ‘You are what you eat’ is absolutely true – nutrients from food are literally the raw materials your body uses to construct new cells.”

Her number one tip? Eat frequently. “Don’t let over three to four hours go by without eating,” she says. “Your body is like an engine that’s always turned on, so it needs a continuous supply of energy. When you skip meals or go long stretches without eating, you deprive it of the fuel it needs to keep going. The result is a dip into its energy piggy bank, which unfortunately includes muscle mass.”

Start small — just an extra 200 calories a day, recommends the trainer Jen Cassetty, to see how well your body responds. It’s easy to overdo it, so it’s best to start with a modest change.

The Mayo Clinic’s Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. suggests a few strategies that read like the diametric opposite of weight loss advice, such as add small, healthful but nutrient dense snacks between meals: “Snack on nuts, peanut butter, cheese, dried fruits and avocados,” she advises.

Drinking calories is another great way to add calories, but that doesn’t mean you should head for sugar-sweetened beverages, which can create health problems associated with metabolic disorder, including high blood sugar levels and other risk factors for diabetes and heart disease. Try something healthful and packed with nutrients, like a smoothie of almond milk, berries, bananas and flax seeds.

If extra calories won’t do the trick alone, consider adding some strength training to bulk up with muscle mass. That will require even more calories, according to medical nutritionist (and HuffPost blogger) Dr. Melina Jamplolis, writing for CNN. “Your body can build at most about a half-pound of muscle each week, so if you eat too many extra calories trying to build more muscle, you will gain fat, too. I would suggest consuming an extra 250 to 500 calories per day,” she advised.

Whatever you do, make sure that proper nutrition and slow gain are central parts of your plan.

via: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/16/healthiest-way-to-gain-weight_n_2475362.html

Weight Gain Journey

Recently, I’ve looked in the mirror and said, “Well Cam it’s time to gain some weight.” I’ve been tiny my ENTIRE life and wouldn’t mind putting on a few pounds to make my jeans fit the way I want them too. This weight gain has nothing to do with other peoples thoughts about my weight. I honestly just want to do some gaining for myself. Me, Myself, and I all agreed that I could afford to gain some pounds.

As of this weekend the the journey begins.

Great friends have given me advice regarding which proteins to use. I’m going to be experimenting with a few and see which ones taste and work best for me.

Walmart in Virginia recently had Whey Protein on sale for $15.99. S

Whey protein containers

Whey protein containers (Photo credit: Steven Vance)

o I’ve been using Whey and Vega One all-in-one nutritional shake.

How I use the Whey:

  • Add 1-2 scoops of protein to Blender Bottle
  • Add 8-12 ounces of Milk
  • Shake well
  • Try to enjoy (The taste isn’t so great)

I do this 2-3 times a day. I don’t supplement the drink as a meal. I eat large meals throughout the day with my shakes.
